KUDOS to KUBLOX® - Read more of our Customer Feedback below:
Our KUBLOX® customers are as unique as our products! They all use polework for different reasons be it; exercise, rehabilitation, fun, education or a combination of all of them!
Here are a selection of short reviews summarising the KUBLOX® journeys some of our fabulous clients have embarked on! 🤗
💖🐴 Amy & Gracie Miller - their KUBLOX® journey with Chester ...

Anyone who works with horses knows that rehabilitation is all about hard-work & dedication; so MASSIVE kudos to these guys for their commitment to helping their horse Chester! I'm so pleased that KUBLOX® was able to play a part in their journey!!
See what Amy has to say below.....
"We brought a set of your pole raisers around 3 months ago after our physio suggested lots of pole work to help with the rehabilitation of my daughters 15hh Welsh D Chester..... he had an injury to his left hind which left him with a lot of muscle wastage and him not really engaging or using his back end.... since using the KUBLOX the difference is incredible, we use them in hand and in ridden work too maybe once or twice a week."
💖🐴 Ailbhe McGraths KUBLOX® journey with Raphi & Bonnie ...

This feedback is from the wonderful Ailbhe McGrath; who was one of our very first clients when we started the KUBLOX® journey back in 2020 & she's continued to support us ever since! 🤗😘
On a number of occasions Ailbhe has mentioned her "Cavaletti incident" to me, but until last week I hadn't actually seen the video. All I can say is THANK GOODNESS neither her or her wonderful horse Raphi were hurt! Ailbhe's kindly agreed that I can share the footage so if you want to see a Cavaletti behaving very badly then click here.
Here's what Ailbhe has to say about KUBLOX®.....
"I hands down LOVE my Kublox products. I had a very scary experience with some fixed cavaletti 2 years ago and that led to me buying my first Kublox.
I initially purchased the Trot-Blox and the Pop-Blox. And have since added more Trot-Blox to the collection with my eyes on the Pro-Blox V and the Star-Blox!
They are an absolute lifesaver in the yard for polework and so far have lasted incredibly, bar a puppy trying to chew them!
I have used them for so many different exercises in the arena; grid work, pole work and rehab work. Not only are they useful but they are colourful and fun to use!
I have a horse with kissing spine and when he is in work, poles and raised poles are a huge part of his program. He is currently out with a different injury but when he is coming back into work they will be a crucial part of his rehab."
⏩ You can continue to follow Ailbhes' Eventing Adventures on Instagram @amcg_eventing ⏪🐴💖
💖🐴 Megan Maclean - her journey with KUBLOX® ...

A huge thank you to Megan for sending in this feedback on our products!

See what Megan has to say below.....
"I would just like to say a massive thankyou for creating such a useful item! We use our Kublox in our arena to help make the horses stronger, teach them where to place their feet and for fun!
The best feature about them is the ability to have them set at all different heights, and of course the variety of colours they can come in!
They are so lightweight to move and carry about but also very sturdy, even in the autumn wind we have had they didn’t move an inch. They aren’t big so don’t require a lot of storage room which is great as well!
My mum and I love the product and cannot stop telling our friends about them, we are looking forward to purchasing some more to add to the collection."
⏩ You can continue to follow Megans' story on Instagram @diary_of_ben ⏪🐴💖
💖🐴 Anne & Georges' KUBLOX® journey! ...

I absolutely loved this feedback from the amazing Anne Winge Høier - her gorgeous 4 legged friend is a 21 years old (or should I say "years young"....) dressage diva called George & he's simply stunning!

Polework can be such a BRILLIANT way to keep our older horses motivated & moving; it obviously seems to suit George as he's looking AMAZING over the poles!!
Here's what Anne has to say about KUBLOX®.....
"George is a 21 year-old dressage diva. Polework is both a fun way to introduce variety to his work and a good way to work on his suppleness and to make him take responsibility for where he's putting his feet. We use the poles in both ridden and in-hand work.
And then, of course, the KUBLOX are so easy to store away neatly (if you are that way inclined

They are super lightweight and so easy to set up in no time at all."
💖🐴 Lauren & Megas' KUBLOX® journey! ...

Lauren & Mega are MASSIVE favourites with the Team here at KUBLOX® HQ! 

A few of you may already recognise this duo from their social media channels "Adventures of Megatron" .
This last year has been an absolute emotional rollercoaster for them following a Kissing Spine diagnosis
... we've watched the tears, hard work, dedication and love that Lauren has poured into Megas’ rehabilitation and are thrilled to see her coming back fitter & stronger than ever! I can't tell you how proud we are to have played a small part in their journey. 

Here's what Lauren has to say about KUBLOX®.....
“I am a HUGE KUBLOX fan! I purchased a set of the pop-blox at the end of last year to use as cavaletti with my mare and found them great to use in a grid.
When Mega was diagnosed with Kissing Spine at the beginning of the year, raised polework became an instrumental part of her routine. I now have a set of star-blox and pro-blox (H) which we use as well.
I love the flexibility of the different height options that they offer and that I can exercise my horse in complete safety as they’re made of foam.
They are so sturdy and durable, I leave them out in our arena in all weathers. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them to anyone!”
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